Underwater Exploration

Dataw Historic Foundation Chooses DSD

During the famous “Hurricane of 1893” – in which many thousands of people lost their lives in and around the Sea Islands of Beaufort – a plantation home belonging to B.B. Sams was destroyed. B.B. Sams was one of the original plantation owners in the Beaufort/Charleston area, and the plantation predated the Civil War. It was located on what was then known as "Datha Island," (from native American tribes), but is now known as "Dataw Island" (renamed during it's real estate development).

Rising flood waters and tidal surge destroyed the home. However, it’s location – now on the very banks of the Morgan River – is marked by tabby structure that is considered to be a part of the home’s chimney or a foundational corner. To see this structure on Google Earth, click here. (Requires the free version of Google Earth.)

The Dataw Historic Foundation called DEEP SOUTH DIVERS to investigate if further remains of the plantation exist below the waterline.

DEEP SOUTH DIVERS put on an amazing live presentation, complete with this PowerPoint presentation to explain what could be done. Immediately DEEP SOUTH DIVERS was hired for the job.

Want to know what happened? What we found? Click here. (Microsoft Word Document file.) Every member received a copy of this final report.

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